Managing Poison Ivy Exposure: A Comprehensive Guide for Outdoor Workers and Safety Managers 

Outdoor work environments often bring workers into contact with a variety of plant life, including the notorious poison ivy. Recognizing and effectively managing exposure to this plant is crucial for maintaining workplace safety and employee health. R&R Lotion is committed to providing solutions that reduce the risk and mitigate the effects of poison ivy contact through products like I.C. Ivy Cleanse and I.C. Ivy Block. This article offers a detailed guide for outdoor workers and safety managers on handling poison ivy exposure, emphasizing prevention, immediate action, and treatment.

1. Immediate Cleansing with I.C. Ivy Cleanse

The moment you suspect contact with poison ivy, it’s imperative to act swiftly to remove the urushiol oil, responsible for the allergic reaction. I.C. Ivy Cleanse is specially formulated to bond with and remove urushiol, effectively reducing the chances of developing a rash. Using lukewarm water, wash the affected area thoroughly with I.C. Ivy Cleanse. It’s essential to avoid hot water, as it may open the pores, allowing the oil to penetrate deeper into the skin. Prompt and proper cleansing is the first and most critical step in preventing the adverse effects of poison ivy exposure.

2. Contaminated Clothing and Gear Handling

Urushiol oil has a nasty habit of lingering on clothing, shoes, and work gear, posing a risk of secondary exposure. Safety managers should instruct workers to carefully remove contaminated items, avoiding skin contact. These items should be washed separately, ideally with a product like I.C. Ivy Cleanse, which is designed to remove urushiol effectively. This practice is essential in preventing the spread of the oil to other workers or family members.

3. Eye and Mucous Membrane Care

Exposure to the eyes or mucous membranes can be particularly concerning, requiring immediate action. Rinsing the affected area with plenty of water is crucial. While I.C. Ivy Cleanse is excellent for skin decontamination, it should not be used for eye wash or internal use. If irritation persists after thorough rinsing, medical attention should be sought to prevent further complications.

4. The Importance of Not Scratching

Scratching the affected area can lead to infection and exacerbate the reaction. Workers should be advised to apply a cool compress to the area to alleviate itching. Products such as calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream can provide relief.

5. Oral Antihistamines for Symptom Management

For significant itching and swelling resulting from poison ivy exposure, both oral and topical antihistamines can provide relief. Diphenhydramine, for instance, is effective in reducing symptoms but may cause drowsiness, which is a crucial consideration for workers who operate heavy machinery or vehicles. An alternative to mitigate this concern is the use of topical antihistamines, such as I.C. Ivy Relief. This product specifically targets the itching and swelling on the skin’s surface, offering symptom alleviation without the drowsiness associated with oral antihistamines, making it a safer option for those who need to maintain alertness on the job.

6. When to Seek Medical Attention

Safety managers should emphasize the importance of monitoring for severe reactions, such as widespread rashes, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face and throat. These symptoms necessitate immediate medical attention. Early intervention is key to managing severe reactions and preventing long-term complications.

7. Emergency Procedures: 911

In the event of an anaphylactic reaction, characterized by difficulty breathing, facial swelling, or a choking sensation, calling 911 or proceeding to the nearest emergency room is imperative. Safety managers should ensure that all workers are trained on the signs of severe allergic reactions and the importance of quick action.

8. Prevention with I.C. Ivy Block

Prevention is always preferable to treatment. R&R Lotion’s I.C. Ivy Block is an innovative barrier cream that provides a protective layer on the skin, blocking urushiol oil from making contact. Applying I.C. Ivy Block before potential exposure to poison ivy can significantly reduce the risk of developing a rash. Outdoor workers are encouraged to incorporate this preventative measure into their daily routine, especially if their work environment is prone to poison ivy growth.


For outdoor workers and safety managers, understanding and implementing strategies for poison ivy exposure is essential for workplace safety and health. By incorporating R&R Lotion’s I.C. Ivy Cleanse and I.C. Ivy Block into their safety protocols, workers can significantly reduce the risk and impact of poison ivy exposure. Through education, preparation, and the right products, managing the threat of poison ivy in outdoor work environments becomes an achievable goal.