Benzalkonium Chloride (BZK) is an Effective Alternative to Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers in Healthcare Settings
/in Uncategorized/by Fletcher RichFDA Continues to Review Active Ingredients in Leave-on Hand Sanitizers
/in Uncategorized/by Fletcher RichUnderstanding the Differences Between FDA and EPA Regulations for Consumer Products
/in Hand Sanitizer, Insect Repellent, outdoor workers, Sunscreen/by Fletcher RichFire Safety in Healthcare & Industrial Facilities: The Benefits of Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizers
/in Hand Sanitizer, Healthcare/by Fletcher RichThe Do’s and Don’ts of Skin Care Products in Industrial Settings
/in Lotion, manufacturing/by Fletcher Rich5 Ways to Keep Your Hands Healthy and Comfortable During the Winter Months”
/in I.C. Hand Cream, outdoor workers/by Fletcher RichEffective Cleaning and Disinfecting Practices for Restaurants and Food Processing
/in Uncategorized/by Fletcher RichProtecting Healthcare Workers from Contact Dermatitis: The Benefits of Moisturizing Hand Products
/in Hand Sanitizer, Healthcare/by Fletcher RichR&R Lotion Inc
15547 North 77th Street
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
P: (480) 443-9255
F: (480) 443-9256
[email protected]